Managers High School
Managers High School’s visions
The first academic society, that student learn there the general education is school. According to the importance of that on training and teaching of children, Managers’ High School is not only the place for learning the Ministry of Education determined education system, but is the place where children will learn the elementary steps of management.
Managers Academy by developing a management organization and making good relation with parents of children and providing the educational environments for them, will manage the way of students’ learning with assistance of their parents.
To train a manager generation that have learnt the management through the management learning system and as well through indirect lessons.
To train an aware students that they can, by use of various management tactics bring up a better life and a better society for our country.
Learning as unconsciously by using special management learning system.
Opening up new horizons for the people of Afghanistan, and using of modern management methods, and development of economic and culture of our country and at the end developing the level of people life.